Clair Facility Services provides quality cleaning services to clients in major cities and satellite towns across Australia.
Our management team have over 22 years’ experience providing quality cleaning services to clients in Australia across the following:
- Commercial premises
- Government buildings
- Hospitality and entertainment venues
- Industrial and manufacturing premises
- Medical centres
- Retail facilities
- Transport hubs
Our vision is to set the standard for providing quality cleaning services at an affordable cost across Australia.
We are committed to providing our clients with only the best possible service.
Our quality principles rely on:
- Selecting and engaging service providers only once they have met our rigorous screening program
- Maintaining relationships with our service providers and clients by being fair and honest in all work undertaken
- Communicating our Quality Policy to all workers
- Reviewing our Quality Policy at least annually to ensure it continues to be appropriate for our operations
- All workers being responsible for Quality Control through seeking improvement by constant review with service providers and clients
Our WHS, Environmental and Quality Policies underpin all work carried out by Clair Cleaning Services and are fully endorsed by our management team
The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy of Clair Cleaning Services Australia Pty Ltd trading as Clair Facility Services shows our commitment to:
- Our workers’ health and safety
- Removing or reducing risks to the health and safety of all workers, contractors and visitors to our workplace and anyone else who may be affected by our operations
- Ensuring all work activities are undertaken safely
- A collaborative approach to identify and solve health and safety issues with our workers
- Continuously improving WHS by addressing hazards and reviewing outcomes
As the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), we will:
- Ensure our responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) are met; together with interstate WHS Acts and Regulations, as applicable
- Take reasonable steps to provide and maintain a safe working environment, plant and substances in a safe condition, and facilities for the welfare of all workers
- Provide ways for workers to be informed about and involved in WHS issues at work
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision needed to ensure all workers are safe from injury and risks to their health and safety
- Conduct regular workplace inspections
- Ensure this Policy and all safe work procedures are kept up-to-date
Our workers will:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety, ensuring that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others in the workplace
- Follow reasonable instructions given by the PCBU to protect their health and safety
- Identify and report any workplace incidents or hazards to their manager
- Not deliberately interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided
Visitors and contractors must:
- Not put themselves or any other person at the workplace at risk
- Comply with our WHS Policy and Procedures
The Environmental Policy of Clair Facility Services (Clair) shows our commitment to managing all aspects of our operations in an environmentally responsible manner.
We care about the environment, and we ask our contractors and customers to do the same.
- To ensure environmentally responsible behaviour is accepted as a vital part of our operations we undertake, wherever possible, to:
- Conduct our operations in accordance with relevant environmental legislation
- Prevent pollution occurring from our activities and operations
- Communicate this policy to our workers and relevant stakeholders
- Use environmental friendly chemicals, where possible
- Use sustainable or recycled products, where possible
- Minimise waste through the efficient use of materials in our activities
- Endeavour to reduce our energy consumption, where possible
We expect our workers (employees and contractors) to:
- Observe and comply with environmental legislation and the Clair Environmental Policies and Procedures
- Support our objective of conducting sound environmental practices
- Identify, and report, practices which may cause harm to the environment